About us - MFC "Salym Finance"

Board of Directors

Chairman of the Board of Directors - Kydyrmaev Bakytbek.

A businessman, one of the initiators of the transit international wholesale trade through the Dordoi market, a member of the trade union committee of workers at the Dordoi market. Since 1995 to the present day, he has been working at the Dordoi market, engaged in wholesale trade of optics.


Member of the Board of Directors - Sydykov Aizhigit.

Independent expert. He has experience in the microfinance sector since 1995. He held the position of deputy of chief operating officer  at CJSC "MCC FINCA" in Kyrgyzstan, chief operating officer at LLC MDO "FINCA" in Tajikistan, CJSC "First microcredit company" - the Aga Khan development network in Kyrgyzstan, CJSC "Micro credit company OXUS".


Member of the Board of DirectorsKonushbaev Tynchtykbek.

Founder and head of the "Baytur" corporation. President of the Kozhomkul Public Foundation. Domestic entrepreneur who implemented many significant projects in the sphere of tourism and health services, construction of apartment buildings, production of building materials and furniture. 


Member of the Board of Directors - Dzhamankulov Bolot.

Independent expert. Doctor of Economic Sciences. From 1997 to 1998 he worked as the first deputy of the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Industry of the Kyrgyz Republic.
He has ample  extensive experience in the banking and financial system, including as a member of the management of OJSC "Rosinbank", ATF-Bank Kyrgyzstan, JSCB "Kyrgyzstan", the National Bank. From 2013 to the present, he has been working at the Institute of Economics of the National Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic as the head of the department.


Member of the Board of Directors - Konokbaev Samat. 

Independent Expert. He has ample experience in the banking and finance system since 1999 including management positions as a member of the management board of the Central Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic, member of executive committee of the Kumtor Gold Company, head of the crediting and investment service of the  Russian-Kyrgyz Development Fund. He has Master degree in development economics obtained in Japan (Tokyo), diploma in banking management and diploma in computer science of the Kyrgyz-Russian Slavic University. He has extensive additional education from top central bank study centers and specializations from the Wharton Business School in business analytics and University of Geneva in investment management.


Chairman of the Management Board
Kulov Mirlan
Since 1996 in the financial and credit spheres, since 2004 in management positions. Until 2006, worked at the “Commercial Bank Kyrgyzstan” OJSC in positions from a Specialist to a Member of the Management Board. In 2006-2007, he worked in “Dos Credobank” OJSC as a Head of Treasury Department. In 2007, he initiated the founding of OJSC MFC “Salym Finance” and since then has been the Chairman of the Management Board.
Member of the Management Board –Head of Human Resources Departme
Ismailova Gulzat
She has been working in the microfinance sphere since 1999. She has 2 years of experience as a bank accountant, 10 years of experience in audit in FINCA Microcredit Company, First Microcredit Company Microcredit Company, for about 6 years as a branch manager in First Microcredit Company (Naryn, Osh (Kara-Suu) regions), a regional manager in AUB Agro Microcredit Company CJSC (Issyk-Kul). In 2017, she started working at Salym Finance MFC as an operational manager, and in 2018, as an HR manager.
Member of the Management Board – Head of the Legal Department
Raiymkulov Meder
Legal experience over 11 years. Since 2016 in managerial positions. He has been working in MFC Salym Finance OJSC since 2019.
Member of the Board of Directors - Head of the credit department
Dyusheeva Aizhan
She started her career in the credit sector at “Salym Finance” Microfinance Company in 2014 and has been in the financial and credit sphere for more than 8 years. She has been holding management positions since 2017. From 2021 till present time she is the Head of the credit department of the “Salym Finance” Microfinance Company OJSC
Член Правления – Начальник управления Казначейства
Кудайбердиева Салтанат Кудайбердиевна
С 2009 года в финансово-кредитной сфере. С 2009 по 2010 год работала в ОАО «АзияУниверсалБанк». С 2010 года в ОАО МФК «Салым Финанс». На руководящих должностях с 2015 года. В настоящее время занимает должность Начальника управления казначейства ОАО МФК «Салым Финанс».